Soul Connection Healing (60mins) (£45.00)
Soul connection healing is a powerful holistic spiritual healing system that goes directly to whereever it is needed.
It was given to me by my spirit guide Taru on March 1st 2019.
I was shown a healing system using sacred symbols and chants that not only healed the physical body and mind, but also reconnected seekers to their ‘golden spiritual DNA thread’.
I was taken on a journey where I was shown that this spiritual thread is part of a universal web of connection. Connecting us all together and to our higher self and source.
A swirling and glowing matrix of information.
As the beautiful light beings and spirit guides worked, the love and healing grew stronger - a vibrational pulse where light, thought and healing are language. Almost musical - this language is pure unconditional love.
As the vibration became higher and the light glowed brighter surrounding and healing beings, animals, plants and the earth itself.
Information and codes were released and downloaded to the reconnected golden threads.
I was asked to document this information and over the next few months more and more information was channelled.
I was initiated into this system by Taru in a beautiful ceremony and was gifted the codes and symbols to gift other healers with this beautiful system of healing,
This is a time of mass awakening. More and more people are searching spiritually needing to heal themselves, the animal kingdom, others and mother earth this beautiful planet we live on.
I have worked as a healer for many years & am a Reiki Master and Omni practitioner - both of which are amazing in their own right.
Soul connection energy feels completely different and is also helping people to wake up to their true potential of who they really are. Reconnecting to their higher self. Aligning energy systems. A lot of spiritual people are feeling stuck, bogged down in the density of this materialistic 3D word, knowing that ego and materialist worries are the boulders put in the way of our true spiritual path.
Soul connection healing works on clearing that path and seeing where you are going with new eyes. The best description I can think of is a normal television picture looks just fine until you look at the same picture in high definition. Then suddenly you can see all the tiny details the full beauty of the whole picture. Life becomes beautiful again when you become reconnected to it. Reconnected to yourself, recognise we are all indeed connected to each other and in turn connected to source.
So how does it work?
A client may come for a treatment for e.g. a bad back. Spirit will work with the back pain but if other illness emotional or physical are detected they too will be addressed.
The symbols and chants will be used to work on your spiritual re-connection. Your third eye will be re-aligned balanced and opened and spiritual vision will become much clearer.
We can also work on connecting you with your spirit guides.
Soul connection also works as an absent healing where I work with two other healers in a healing triangle. This works by visualising the person, animal, or place as the tip of a pyramid tuning in together to reconnect the thread and amplify the energy..
Soul Connection Healing (60mins) (£40.00)
Ravens Retreat runs regular events/workshops on Reiki, Yoga, Heartfulness, Relaxation & Shamanic Healing and much, much more. We are based in Neath & Swansea, South Wales.
For all the latest news on Ravens Retreat & upcoming events/workshops